Poole Harbour is considered to be one of the outstanding natural features of Southern England and one of the largest estuaries with an enclosed, lagoonal character in Britain.
This study focused on generating new data for birdwatching, kitesurfing, windsurfing, kayak/canoeing and jet/waterskiing.
Despite the sector’s importance, detailed assessments of recreation and tourism are lacking. The objective was to provide information to support recreation management, particularly in terms of ensuring continued use and dealing with conflicts (between groups and to address bird disturbance affecting the status of the Special Area of Conservation).
For additional information
Date: 2012/2015
The work presented here has been developed in six case studies of the VALMER Interreg 4A Channel project (2012-2015).
Coordination by M. Philippe, J. Ballé-Béganton and D. Bailly based on written contributions from A. Brocklesby, K. Buchan, W. Dodds, T. Hooper, L. Friedrich, N. Beaumont and C. Grifths