Participatory assessment in practice

This website capitalizes on the experience of stakeholder engagement led in several previous European projects like the Interreg ALICE, Interreg VALMER or SPICOSA.

Examples from these different projects illustrate participatory assessment in practice. Each case study was an experimental process and explored only some parts of the participatory assessment. Depending on issue and context, you may implement the full process or only part of it.

Not all the case studies from the different projects are presented here, we present only those which have been used as illustrations in the Participatory Assessment website.

For a list of all case studies, you can refer to each project website.

Visit our case studies

Barcelona Coast

During rainy events, the coast is affected by urban storm drains, in addition to rivers. Projects are needed to reduce or avoid the problem.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Carlingford Lough

The importance of Carlingford Lough and the need for environmental management is demonstrated by its protected status.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Clyde Sea

Consequences for fishing and aquaculture of increased recreational boating activity. The role of marine protected areas in improving fishing and conservation. The consequences for the ecosystem of reducing wastewater inputs.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Cork Harbour

Tourism, marine heritage, fishing and waste management are other key human activities associated with the port.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Couesnon river catchment

Major ecological concerns include the impact of intensive farming practices on all ecosystem functions: inputs of nitrogen and pesticides into ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, loss of species beneficial to agriculture.
12 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Danube Delta

The Romanian Black Sea coast is the area most subject to freshwater flows, with the river loads of the Danube (Danube delta) contributing significantly to the degradation of the coastal ecosystem.
5 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Guadiana Estuary

Agriculture involving eutrophication, aquaculture with effluent impacts, tourism and recreation generating habitat destruction, fishing leading to border conflicts.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Gulf of Gdansk

Impact of changes in land use and agriculture in the coastal zone and Vistula watershed on coastal water quality.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Gulf of Riga

Human activities impacting the area include industry, agriculture, fishing and other sources.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud


The estuary is strongly impacted by an intensive blue mussel commercial fishery causing habitat changes and heavy eutrophication resulting in frequent oxygen depletion events. The fjord is used for ship transport from the North Sea to the Kattegat and viceversa and water-related recreational activity.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Iroise Marine Natural Park

The subject studied is the ecosystem services provided by kelp forest habitats.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Izmit Bay

Although the Dilderesi river and the eastern canal are the main freshwater inputs to the bay, they both carry polluted water from surrounding industries, settlements and agricultural areas.
5 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud


A policy of increasing production through mussel farming has been implemented. A new land use policy is currently being proposed to redistribute land use according to watershed characteristics and the risks of runoff and nutrient leakage.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Normand-Breton Gulf

The Norman-Breton Gulf is a proposed French Marine Protected Area. New elements are needed to feed the reflexion about the management of this large area.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

North Devon

The study considered the role of subtidal sedimentary habitats in carbon sequestration, waste remediation and the provision of nursery habitats for important commercial species.
6 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Oder Estuary

Human activities include tourism, agriculture, fishing and shipping. Impacts include eutrophication, nutrient loading, biochemical pollution, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Paiva River

However, the Paiva is under pressure from recurrent disturbances and human land use, such as forest fires, agricultural activities, urbanization and pressures affecting natural hydromorphological conditions and the continuity of water bodies.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Pas, Miera and Asón Catchments

The three estuaries in the study area experience a wide range of pressures from numerous human activities.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Pertuis Charentais

Establishment of a “coastal water management plan” (SMVM) equivalent to the “terrestrial” plan, and negotiation procedures for freshwater management.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Plymouth Sound to Fowey

The site from Plymouth Sound to Fowey was defined for the purposes of the VALMER project as representative of a typical stretch of open coast with varied habitats and a range of issues and activities.
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Poole Harbour

Provide information to support recreation management, particularly in terms of ensuring continued use and dealing with conflicts
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Regional Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan

Seagrass beds are sensitive to pressures impacting environment quality (e.g. lack of light, herbicides, trampling, grubbing, etc.).
5 May 2020/by Dominique Buraud

Scheldt Delta

How to achieve truly sustainable development for the region: striking a balance between regional economic development, social well-being and the restoration of ecological values.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud


There are cod fisheries in the fjord, and the shallow areas where eelgrass grows are important nursery grounds . In the Kranfjorden, chemical pollution of the sediment originates from the former wood-processing industry.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Taranto Mare Piccolo

Numerous activities can cause unsustainable forcing in this site, including urbanization and industrial waste, intensive aquaculture and agriculture, and unresolved conflicts of use.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Thau Lagoon

Most activities are potentially responsible for environmental pressure. The project involves the implementation of an initial integrated management plan (SMVM).
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Thermaikos Gulf

Following a major change in the Gulf's natural environment, mussel production has declined, with socio-economic effects for the local population.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Venice Lagoon

The presence of industrial and port activities, as well as increasing human pressures and intensive agriculture in the watershed, have highlighted the problem of eutrophication and pollution of water and sediments.
4 January 2023/by Dominique Buraud

Photo: ©  Joanna Rycerz / Pixabay