Phase 1: Scope, Map and Share
The first six steps of the roadmap are essential to anchor the framework of the participatory assessment process. These steps are underlined by three defining actions: ‘Scope’, ‘Map’ and ‘Share’:
Scope stakeholders’ needs and identify the team who will run the assessment and check their legitimacy and standing in the eyes of stakeholders. This avoids the risk of ambiguities and is essential for the process to succeed. Also, determining why an assessment is being undertaken is an essential but often overlooked stage.
Map the issue (in terms of territory, stakeholders, governance…) using a “system thinking” approach. It clarifies the interactions between the social, economic and ecological components and the relevant level of complexity to be addressed. This conceptual mapping takes different forms and evolves with knowledge throughout the project, as the diagnosis is co-constructed with different stakeholders.
Share this first scoping and mapping with stakeholders to develop a common culture on the development of possible environmental strategies in the territory. This verifies that the different points of views and perceptions are sufficiently considered to make the assessment relevant and start the co-construction of strategy diagnosis.
The objective of this phase is to build a common culture within the selected stakeholder forum in grasping the environmental strategies and assessment concepts.