F. Goulo / AAMP / PNMI

Why do we build scenarios?

The scenario building process can take several months but can be longer or shorter depending on the methodologies chosen, resources available and the required level of stakeholder participation
Paysage NDBR

What are scenarios?

Scenarios are a proven tool and one that produces results. The method is simple in that it invites the ‘audience’ to react to a plausible set of future events.
Ed Dunens [CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Habitat mapping: the EUNIS nomenclature

The European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat classification is a pan-European system, which covers all types of natural and artificial habitats, both aquatic and terrestrial

Synopsis platform

The SYNOPSIS platforms are organised around four main axes: Context knowledge, Conceptual models, Assessments and models, Scenarios