Tag Archive for: Valmer

F. Goulo / AAMP / PNMI

Why do we build scenarios?

The scenario building process can take several months but can be longer or shorter depending on the methodologies chosen, resources available and the required level of stakeholder participation
AhmedMosaad from Wikimedia Commons

Natural capital project InVEST

InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs) is a framework of “open source” models for mapping and valuing ecosystem services developed by Natural Capital Project.

The triage process

The triage process consists of carrying out steps to decide which assessment to carry out for which purpose and in which context
Paysage NDBR

What are scenarios?

Scenarios are a proven tool and one that produces results. The method is simple in that it invites the ‘audience’ to react to a plausible set of future events.
J. Beganton

Visualisation and communication

Communicating the concepts of ecosystem services and valuation will require different techniques and tools depending on the target audience.

Stated preferences: Choice experiment

Choice experiment may help to reveal people preferences for ecosystem services

Multi-criteria analysis

Multi-criteria analysis techniques are often used to support decision making as they provide a formal framework
Ed Dunens [CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Habitat mapping: the EUNIS nomenclature

The European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat classification is a pan-European system, which covers all types of natural and artificial habitats, both aquatic and terrestrial

Synopsis platform

The SYNOPSIS platforms are organised around four main axes: Context knowledge, Conceptual models, Assessments and models, Scenarios


The Resources or Ecosystem Services/Uses/Governance (RUG) view of the system is an operational approach, based on system thinking, social-ecological systems, stemming from different operational management approaches

DPSIR assessment

The DPSIR framework has been adopted by the European Environment Agency. It is a general framework for organising information about state of the environment.

Cognitive maps

Cognitive maps are an essential step towards system thinking approach, especially for complex systems with lack of data and knowledge.
J. Beganton / UBO

Stakeholder and institutional mapping

Societies can be mapped or modelled in terms of the relationships between institutions, and the ‘social capital’ of a society lies in its institutions and its local networks of trust

Forrester system mapping

A technique to visualise and identify the system feedback loops and management levers as well as to define the scope and limits of the considered system

Common culture workshop

The ‘common culture’ workshop is an essential participatory and engagement tool

North Devon

The study considered the role of subtidal sedimentary habitats in carbon sequestration, waste remediation and the provision of nursery habitats for important commercial species.
Image courtesy of Poole Tourism

Poole Harbour

Provide information to support recreation management, particularly in terms of ensuring continued use and dealing with conflicts
National Trust Images

Plymouth Sound to Fowey

The site from Plymouth Sound to Fowey was defined for the purposes of the VALMER project as representative of a typical stretch of open coast with varied habitats and a range of issues and activities.

Normand-Breton Gulf

The Norman-Breton Gulf is a proposed French Marine Protected Area. New elements are needed to feed the reflexion about the management of this large area.
F. Goulo / AAMP

Iroise Marine Natural Park

The subject studied is the ecosystem services provided by kelp forest habitats.
D. Lédan / SIAGM

Regional Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan

Seagrass beds are sensitive to pressures impacting environment quality (e.g. lack of light, herbicides, trampling, grubbing, etc.).

Social and economic data management

PDF available in English and in French

Building Scenarios to Explore Marine Ecosystem Services

PDF available in English and in French

A summary of the lessons learnt from VALMER scenario development process

PDF available in English and in French

Using ecosystem services valuation for marine management

PDF available in English and in French

Marine ecosystem services

PDF available in English and in French

Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services in the Western Channel

PDF available in English and in French