
The Forrester System Dynamics representation is a very useful technique to visualise and identify the system feedback loops and management levers as well as to define the scope and limits of the considered system.

Starting from a cognitive map, Forrester’s approach brings the dynamics in the system, by identifying effects of one component on another. Putting together this type of representation demands an understanding of the socio-ecological systems and of its management levers. It helps identifying missing parts of knowledge.
This type of representation is also the basis to develop a numerical system model if necessary to better understand the system.

For additional information

Date: 2012-2015

The work presented here has been developed in six case studies of the VALMER Interreg 4A Channel project (2012-2015).

Coordination by M. Philippe, J. Ballé-Béganton and D. Bailly,
based on written contributions from N. Smith, P. Hoskin, W. Dodds, T. Hooper, L. Friedrich, N. Beaumont and C. Grifths


Thematics > TOOLBOX > TOOLBOX - System mapping > Forrester system mapping