
The Resources or Ecosystem Services/Uses/Governance (RUG) view of the system is an operational approach, based on system thinking, social-ecological systems, stemming from different operational management approaches (including DPSIR, ARDI), aiming at:

  • Integrated modelling: representing ecological, economic and social processes in an integrated way, considering objects which are already social-ecological sub-systems
  • Integrated assessment: each category of objects within the system deserve its own assessment criteria or framework (state variable for R(ES), objective functions for uses and governance)

For additional information

Date: 2012-2015

The work presented here has been developed in six case studies of the VALMER Interreg 4A Channel project (2012-2015).

Coordination by M. Philippe, J. Ballé-Béganton and D. Bailly,
based on written contributions from N. Smith, P. Hoskin, W. Dodds, T. Hooper, L. Friedrich, N. Beaumont and C. Grifths