
To promote understanding, sharing and appropriation, it is essential to use expression and representation tools that mobilise these different channels: stories, graphs, maps, role plays, brainstorming on post-its….

The outputs must be carefully designed so as not to be misinterpreted and used out of context by end users. These tools should favour visual and animated indicators rather than classical graphs. The hypothesis taken in the formulation should also be advertised and clearly documented.

The objective is not to produce a single representation format but rather a collection of different perspectives on the issue under consideration to feed everyone’s thinking. The uncertainty inherent in different assessment approaches should also be part of the communication of results.

For additional information

Date: November 2017-2020

This work has been funded through the ALICE project. ALICE is a project funded in 75% by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the umbrella of INTERREG Atlantic Area with the application code: EAPA_261/2016. The 11 partners involved in the project are from Portugal, Spain, Northern Ireland, France, The Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. The three-year project started in November 2017 has cost 3 million euros with 25% covered by the beneficiary partners.

Credits: Denis Bailly, Johanna Ballé, Klervi Fustec, Juliette Herry, Michel Lample, Manuelle Philippe.

Photo: © Elle Cosgrave / Unsplash