After this refined TRIAGE phase, it is essential to communicate the results and identified choices to the stakeholder forum with an explanation of why these choices have been made.
It is also important to give feedback to the stakeholder forum on the first common culture workshop. This feedback is a delicate task, the common culture workshop often provides abundant brainstorming material, and some material might be sensitive and should not be communicated to a wider public.
A possible feedback format could be articulated around:
- A reminder of the assessment concepts and common culture vocabulary
- The list of issues prioritised during the workshop
- The final choice of issues to be tackled by the project and selected through the TRIAGE process, supported by an explanation of these choices.
- The next steps planned for the engagement of the stakeholder forum, announcement of the following workshop (a date need not necessarily be set at this stage).
A newsletter type communication or web forum discussion can be set up to keep the momentum of the engagement and provide elements of discussion.
For additional information
Date: November 2017-2020
This work has been funded through the ALICE project. ALICE is a project funded in 75% by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the umbrella of INTERREG Atlantic Area with the application code: EAPA_261/2016. The 11 partners involved in the project are from Portugal, Spain, Northern Ireland, France, The Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. The three-year project started in November 2017 has cost 3 million euros with 25% covered by the beneficiary partners.
Credits: Denis Bailly, Johanna Ballé, Klervi Fustec, Juliette Herry, Michel Lample, Manuelle Philippe.