Various tools offer different perspectives to shed light on the complexity of the system under consideration. Each person perceives information through different cognitive channels: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, etc.

To promote understanding, sharing and appropriation, it is essential to use expression and representation tools that mobilise these different channels: stories, graphs, maps, role plays, brainstorming on post-its….

Moreover, proposing different approaches and representations keeps the process dynamic and helps to avoid stakeholder fatigue.

For additional information

Date: 2017-2023

Improving the management of atlantic landscapes: acounting for biodiversity and ecosystem services Interreg Atlantic Area, started in 2017

Coordination by J. Ballé-Béganton and D. Bailly

Thematics > LESSONS LEARNED > LESSONS LEARNED - Share knowledge and visions > Lesson 14. Consider different cognitive channels

Photo: © Kerryanna Kershner / Pixabay